Current Chairs

President: Glenn Magee

As the face of the chapter, the President facilitates the chapter's direction, and supports the other chapter officers as necessary. The Chapter President assists the other chapter officers and fills in when help is needed. This means the position is more hands on and not one where work is delegated to others to take care of.

Glenn is a Lecturer in English Education at Aichi Prefectural University. She has an M.A. in Applied Linguistics (TESOL/TEFL) from the University of Birmingham. He is a founding member of JALT BRAIN SIG. His main research interest is Mind, Brain, and Education - researching how biological processes intersect with educational practice with a specific focus on student well-being in the English as a Foreign Language classroom. His research is focused on promoting healthy relationships that foster optimal learning conditions and draws on the latest findings from positive psychology, educational psychology, and the neuroscience of learning and motivation.

Treasurer : Natsuho Mizoguchi

The Treasurer oversees all financial aspects of Gifu chapter; this includes the funding of events, donations to other Chapters and SIGs, and planning the yearly budget.

Publicity Chair: Michael Sherbourne

The Publicity Chair maintains the website's content. They add events to the JALT Events calendar and send emails to group members about activities as well as news from JALT National. The publicity chair also updates the chapter's website and other social media accounts.

Membership Chair: (OPEN)

As part of the Membership Chair's duties, he or she keeps track of membership counts, sends welcome messages and renewal notices, and assists the Publicity Chair by keeping the membership log up-to-date. For questions about membership or possible local memberships, please email the Membership Chair.

Programs Chair: (OPEN)

The programs chair decides the themes of events that might be of interest to members. They decide where the event will be held and approach potential invited speakers. They also make a schedule and look after the speakers at events. Being a program chair means working with the team by getting information to the publicity chair to publicize events and liaising with the treasurer over finances and budget.