Code of Conduct

JALT seeks to provide a safe, hospitable, and productive environment for all JALT members, staff, volunteers, and event attendees, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, or sexual orientation. JALT prohibits any intimidating, threatening, or harassing conduct during JALT events and any socializing related to those events. Harassment includes, but is not restricted to, offensive gestures or verbal comments related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, or sexual orientation, as well as inappropriate physical contact or unwelcome attention. Anyone who is asked to stop harassing behavior is expected to comply immediately. Action taken by JALT may range from a warning to notifying local law enforcement.

Complaints under the JALT Code of Conduct shall be dealt with as follows.

  1. If an incident occurs, it is suggested that an individual first try to settle it informally by making it clear to the other individual(s) concerned that the behavior is unacceptable. This may be face to face or in writing. If an individual feels this is difficult or embarrassing they should seek help from conference personnel, local Chapter and/or SIG officers, ​or any other National Officers they feel comfortable talking to​.

  2. If a person affected by the situation wishes to pursue the matter, a formal complaint should be made ​to the Code of Conduct Committee, either in person or through the officer mentioned in 1. above, face to face or electronically​. All complaints will be treated seriously. Complainants always have the option of going directly to law enforcement.

  3. The complaint must be put in writing in a signed letter or via email stating the name of the person ​accused, the nature of the complaint, dates and times, names of any witnesses, and action already taken.

  4. All complaints will be considered by the Committee​, which will ​investigate the complaint as thoroughly as possible to allow opportunities for statements from both the complainant and the respondent. Any person against whom a complaint is made should also be interviewed. Anyone interviewed will be assured of confidentiality, except in the case of alleged illegal activity, which must be reported to law enforcement. ​The Committee​'s initial responsibility, wherever possible, will be to seek reconciliation between the parties involved. Where this proves to be impossible, t​he committee will make any necessary recommendations for action​ to the Board of Directors.

  5. Anyone involved ​in the procedure ​has the right to be accompanied during all steps in the procedure by a support person ​or to withdraw from the process at any time​.

  6. Prompt action, including but not limited to warnings, expulsions, or notification of law enforcement, will be taken if a complaint is determined to be well founded.

  7. The Board of Directors​, with the approval of the Executive Board, may bar the perpetrator from meetings, terminate official duties if the individual is a JALT volunteer or member of staff, and/or propose a motion to the Executive Board to dismiss the individual from JALT in accordance with Chapter II, Article 11 of the JALT Constitution. In addition, the Board ​of Directors may take legal action and, if necessary, the Board will contact and cooperate with local law enforcement agencies.

Committee Members (See the Code of Conduct page)

This updated version of JALT's Code of Conduct contains updated language from JENL 46-02 (p. 46).

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